A Child’s Prayer    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQwinm3euM8)

I sometimes lie awake at night,

And wonder at the stars so bright,

I dream about my future too,

And all the things that I will do.

Soon the Ummah will count on me,

I’m the future, they all agree,

And people depend on me somehow,

Though small and timid I am now.

So you and I, my dearest friend,

Must stand together till the end,

For we are one by Allah’s Grace,

No matter what our language or race.

We must prepare ourselves today,

While we journey on life’s way,

So education, we must crave,

From the cradle to the grave.

So those entrusted with our care,

Train us please and do your share,

We’ll make you proud of us somehow,

So waste no time and teach us now.

We need your love and tender care,

And your sincere and ardent prayer,

So much there is to learn and see,

For true believers we must be.

“O Allah, we do love You so,

Give us health and make us grow,

Be with us each passing day,

While we journey on life’s way.”



Source: My Faith Islam Book
