June 28th 2017
It started with a simple facebook post from Saba Devan, documentary film maker, who like many others felt really upset over the killing of a 16 year old yJunaid, in train. The incidence shook many, but Saba Devan thought of doing something about it and courageously posted on Facebook for a call to come out on street and tell the goverment that whatever is being done by these fringe elements is not what all Hindus believe in and they do not want to be identified with them. So they decided call #NotInMyName. A call for protest at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 28th June.
This call was well received on gacebook and immediately got multiplied to many other cities nationally and internationally. People in 19 other cities took initiative to organize similar events in their cities.
The one at Jantar Mantar on 28th evening was quite an experience. It would have been almost 3000 people, ordinary citizens who came there to show their protest against the mob lynching and targeted violence against Muslims. The response and media coverage was remarkable. It was ovewhelming to see how little boys and girls, some of them came along with their friends to protest as they wanted to see peace amongst all people, no matter which religion they follow, what colur they are, what they eat, what they wear… Their thoughts were very touching.
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