Parent’s Annual Shura – 23 Oct 2016

On 21st Muharram 1438H, 23rd of Oct 2016, we had our annual Shura. Parent’s of the children at Hedayah got together and had a chance to hear the achievements of their children.

Hedayah completed 10 years of its  establishment.

Suggestions from teachers and parents were exchanged to fill any gaps from either sides.

Report cards were distributed for the Annual Assessment and all students received gift

Big thanks to Altaaf Bhai for letting us use his facility. It wouldn’t have been possible without his help. Jazak Allah Khair.

Some videos and pictures from the event:

Pictures at:

Videos at:

{videobox?  &display=`slider`&player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}

/videos/AS-1438H/VID-20161023-WA0011.mp4| Parent Shura Clip 1|,

/videos/AS-1438H/VID-20161023-WA0012.mp4| Parent Shura Clip 2|,

/videos/AS-1438H/VID-20161023-WA0014.mp4| Parent Shura Clip 3
