Safar 23rd ,  1442 AH

 I shared with my neighbor few lemons from my garden. I gave food and milk to my cats. I spent some time with my mother.
I read few sunnah from Book Sahih Al-Bukhari. I helped my cook in kitchen. I offered Namaz on time. 
 I watered plants in my garden.  I followed a sunnah as I was silent when I was angry today.  Everyday I say Salam to my housekeeper.
I called my uncle on phone and asked about his health and wellness.
I thank ALLAH by offering dua after every meal. 
I recite dua before start of every meal.

Steps to create above activity:-

1. Take A4 size sheet.

2. Take a plain paper.

3. Write good deeds on the paper.

4. Cut out the good deed blocks from paper safely with scissor (Parental guidance recommended).

5. Paste the good deed blocks on A4 sheet.

6. Decorate the good deed blocks on A4 sheet with different colors.